Notice: Prof. Seungwan Kim has been awarded the ‘Young Researcher Academic Excellence Award’ by the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (KIEE). [24.12.13]
Welcome to Smart Energy Network Design (SEND) Lab at KENTECH!
We are a research group focusing on the optimal decision-making of various actors within the energy industries based on our expertise in power system engineering domain. The actors we study range from central and local governments, legislators, and corporations, utility companies, system operators, to consumers.
Our research can be categorized as "Public Policy Engineering” specialized for energy industries, which studies public decision-making and incentive scheme based on various computational and mathematical techniques. Usually, we operate a large-scale optimization model for finding optimal decisions. Additionally, the specific topics covered by our group include traditional areas such as climate and energy policy, electricity market design, and network economics.
If you are curious about how decision-making, big or small, is carried out in the energy industries, and if you are interested in designing future together with outstanding colleagues and alumni network, please feel free to contact to our PI (Prof. Seungwan Kim:
We are always open to new graduate/undergraduate students, post-doc., and academic visitors.
Research Interests
Climate and Energy Policy
Integrated Assessment Model
Optimal Scenario Outlook
Infrastructure Stresstest
Power System Planning
Generation-Transmission-Storage Expansion Planning
Electricity Market Design and Analysis
Rule Design for New Business Model (V2G, DR, VPP)
Revenue Analysis and Optimal Bidding Strategy
TSO-DSO Cooperation
Utility and Netwotk Economics
Project Feasibility Assessment
Reliability Criteria Design
Grid Tariff Design
AI-support Decision-Making
Online Grid Reconfiguration
Physics-informed Learning based Market Bidding
Publications - Please check our full publications here!
Work In Progress
M. H. Lee, E. Kim, Y. Chung, S. W. Kim, “Multi-criteria Renewable Auction Market Modeling considering the Carbon Footprint Certification of Photovoltaic Modules”, under review in IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy, and Regulation.
E. Kim, S. W. Kim, “Policy Failure Makes Inefficiency of Renewable Portfolio Standard: The Case of Korea”, under review in The Electricity Journal.
G. H. Park, S. Hong, S. Percy, S. W. Kim, “Techno-Economic Feasibility Study of Imported Green Hydrogen via Inter-continental Route: From Australia to South Korea”, under review in Applied Energy.
E. J. Choi, G. -S. Seo, S. W. Kim, “Are better combinations of DERs more profitable?: Combinatorial optimization for aggregation of DERs in wholesale electricity markets”, under review in Applied Energy.
Research Projects
[Undergraduate course]
VC1002 - Visionary Course (Fall 2024)
EL1006 - Electric Circuit (Spring 2025)
[Graduate course]
EE6410 - Energy Policy (Fall 2024)
Advanced Optimization Theory (Spring 2025)